Sep 5Liked by Kristin Fellows

Kristin- I appreciate this journey through a move, Italy, and even the cover art choice of the sculpture. Enjoyed the story. Hope you're well this week? Cheers, -Thalia

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Thanks very much for your thoughts, Thalia! If you ever by chance come across the name of that sculpture, or the artist, I'd love to know. Best wishes, Kristin

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Aug 20Liked by Kristin Fellows

Wow. Karen was right. Somehow she knew. It's amazing what we can't see about ourselves that others can see.

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Thanks for noticing and remembering that, Leslie. Isn't that strange?!

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Wow. Too much there to comment on. First, we were trained to put the man first and he was trained that that is his rightful place. More later

l want you to know how deeply i care for and about you

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Feelings mutual, Joyce ~ thank you so very much 🥰

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I loved this piece. How many of us can relate to your reflection on always ceding the best to others without getting back as much? You’re a wonderful storyteller.

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Thank you so much, Paummi!

Isn't it funny what we realize about ourselves when we tell our stories?

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Twists and turns on the journey, along the road we call living. Alive with promise and hope, tinged with disappointments and unfulfilled expectations. Also looking ahead for new opportunities for exploring and discovering. BTW, I love that sculpture too and if you find out where it is, please let us know. Thanks, Kristin!

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Thanks for your thoughts, Gary ~

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Aug 20Liked by Kristin Fellows

Unexpected occurrence to be sure. Life takes another turn. A dramatic one at that. Onward. Looking forward to the next Storyboard, Kristin. - Jim

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Thanks, Jim ☺️

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Love learning all these new things about your life! Plot twists, indeed!

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