Jul 29Liked by Kristin Fellows

Well, that was a good cry. Our stoic, determined family simply must live in beautiful spaces. It's more important to me than what I eat or wear. When we thought mom was going to go to a nursing home, Meg had a very long list of the changes she was going to make to the room, asap (including the electrical shortcomings - she is an engineer at heart). In the end, she decided it was just too terrible a room for her, and moved her into her house. I always thought your Karen and my Karen were very much alike.

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Thanks Leslie ~ and yes, that's a wonderful description of our family. I miss our Karens 🥰

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Jul 28Liked by Kristin Fellows

Aw, Kristin, so sad, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your love for your sister!

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Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts, Grace ❤️

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Jul 28Liked by Kristin Fellows

Kristin, this is so poignant, touching and beautiful that it hurts my heart to read it. I can't know how painful it must be for you to remember and write it, but I do know that in my opinion, it's some of the finest writing I think you've done - and that covers an awful lot of ground. I appreciate the courage you show in sharing it. - Jim

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Aww, thanks Jim.

I'm sorry my story has hurt your heart, but thank you so much for calling it poignant, touching & beautiful 🥰

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No need to be sorry Kristin, that's what great writing does sometimes. Best, Jim

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Jul 28Liked by Kristin Fellows

This is so beautiful and so heartbreaking, Kristin.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

Thank you, Karen. I still carry that heartbreak around with me each day, but in a positive way, I hope.

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Your writing about the last months with your sister—I don’t know what to say. I want to compliment the writing but who compliments someone writing about the death of their sister? Just know I so appreciate you sharing all of this with all of us. I can’t imagine having to go through any of this. I can only hope, should I have a choice, to navigate my own impending death with at least a small sliver of what Karen was able to do/create. 💕

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Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts, Rebecca 🥰

Even though it's now been 25 years, Karen is still a daily inspiration to me in many ways.

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No words....All heart!

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Jul 28Liked by Kristin Fellows

So moving. It gives me much to reflect on today

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