Each of us has reasons why we write. I think the reasons vary with who we are and how we got to here. Here can be here on Substack or here at this stage of life. What just happened is that the title of Marshall Goldsmith's book came to mind, "What Got You Here Won't Get You There."

I wrote a post, https://garygruber.substack.com/p/why-we-write, offering up my explanation and have since talked with others about their reasons for writing. I consider writing like living, an experiment to see what I can learn and add something to the index of experiences. If I want to refer back, I know where to look and if I want to be here fully now, that too is a conscious choice. Our lives make up stories and in writing, we tell the stories, past and present, the future TBD with hopes and dreams yet to be realized and told.

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Jun 16Liked by Kristin Fellows

And maybe that's why we write or paint or make any kind of art at all ...

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Jun 16Liked by Kristin Fellows

Deep thoughts and beautifully written Kristin.

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Thanks Jim ☺️

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