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A Storyboard Life is a collection of short stories about the unexpected, nerve racking & exhilarating adventures of a freelancer in the world of documentary film and television.

This tale begins with a gift I gave of just $20 on a dark winter’s night, at a time when I was completely broke. I was inspired by Baryshnikov.

That $20 led me down a twisted path to more than 150 documentary film adventures in different parts of the world.

It’s a tale filled with unanticipated plot twists and turns, disappointments and celebrations. It’s the story of being rejected, getting fired, getting divorced, dealing with imminent death, then being fired again.

It’s also the story of how films saved me each time, got me back on my feet and inspired me to try again. Or sometimes how they just smacked me on the head.


Join me behind the scenes and I’ll tell you the story of how what might be one of the world’s most unlikely careers unfolded – frame by frame – from just $20.

More about me @ Kristin Fellows

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(I love using that word.)

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Kristin Fellows ~ writer, storyteller & memoirista Please join me for tales of the unexpected as I navigate life in a small Portuguese farming village, consult on life-changing documentary films, and finish writing my memoir, "A Storyboard Life."